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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Each month, I recognize students who have proven themselves to be excellent by taking the full mark in the Quiz. Congratulations to all the students for being the Stars of the Month. I'd also send my regards to their great parents.

Reem Al-Oqla
Alanoud Al-Jehany
Khuzama Al-Saeed
Meshael Al-Ghanem
Haifa Al-Habdan
Nora Al-Oqaily
Rawaby Al-Rashed

Raseel Al-Mesleh
Sara Al-Sakran
Sumaya Al-Oqaify
Seba Al-Dughaishem
Lama Al-Bahes
Meshael Al-Amry
Maha Al-Shehry
Wejdan Al-Amry
Najla Al-Madhi
Raghad Al-Turki
Gharam Al-

Arwa Al-Shehry
Reef Al-Rubaish
Sadeem Al-Jasser
Mezoon Al-Qady
Haifa Al-Menei
Renad Al-Bakr
Ghada Al-Ghamdi
Meshael Al-Eid

Thank you everybody.. Good Luck Ever.

Final Exam Distribution

Dear Students,

Please I want you to check the following link and get the copy with you for the next class, so we can discuss together the questions of the final exam...

Wish you a good luck.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Are You a Family Person or a Friend Person
Follow the link below to do the quiz - form your family tree and draw your caroon family.